About CAMS

A Scientific Approach to Infrastructure Asset Management

Central Asset Management System (CAMS) integrates intelligent inspections and data analytics to deliver optimised life cycle management.

CAMS supports a data driven methodology for decision making related to  life cycle management of Civil Infrastructure. Using CAMS Online and CAMS Mobile, asset managers can capture asset condition data and obtain various analysis reports related to asset deterioration, risk and budget forecasting, allowing them to make informed decisions related to maintenance and budget allocations.

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A scientific approach to asset management

Condition inspections

Generate an inspection template for  inspectors and upload inspection data.

Hierarchical asset register

Structure and access your  assets online. CAMS supports the IPWEA NAMS based hierarchical component structure and allows users to create their own hierarchy if needed.

Deterioration modeling

Probabilistic prediction of asset component deterioration from data analytics on inspections

Forcasting & prediction

Scientific approach to risk and expenditure forecasting based on probabilistic deterioration prediction. Supported by an expert team of consultants.

Effective decision making

Prepare informed budgets underpinning deterioration prediction and risk forecasting.

Excel Import/Export

Upload all key datasets in the form of Excel files and download all reports in Excel format.

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